Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Building a Bank that will NOT require a Fed Bailout

This morning I connected the four batteries together to form a "Battery Bank". This bank will store the energy we harvest from the solar panels and will be able to power our freezer, internet cable modem, wireless router, VOIP phone adapter and our cordless phones and hopefully even more. I wired the batteries in paralell so that our 4 batteries will provide us with a 12 Volt system. OK...so what is paralell wiring? It's quite simple, all of the negative terminals are connected to all the other negative terminals and all the positive terminals are connected to the other positive terminals.

As you can see after the connection we checked with the Digital Volt Meter and took a reading. The battery bank is showing a voltage of 11.8...not bad considering we have NOT charged these yet nor do we know how long they have been in the warehouse sitting idle. We will charge these babies up once we make have the system working.

What's great about this bank is it will pay US back and won't need taxpayer dollars.

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