Work has stopped. Life has stopped. I'm in pain. Not pain from moving rocks, or moving earth by hand, it's deeper than that. Every waking moment hurts, every memory invokes tears. This is an obstacle I did not plan on. It's bigger than any immovable rock. I cannot use my shovel or an iron bar to probe it's depth. I cannot pry it up and heave it out of my way.
Like the fragile head of a mature dandelion, existing one day and gone the next, I lost my loyal companion suddenly Sunday night, September 13th.
He was my partner in ALL my endeavors, big and small, including the digging for this project. Never complaining, always listening to my wild ideas, he never laughed at me, made faces at me or argued with me. He didn't care if my hair was a mess. He was an exuberant participant in every activity I've ever dreamed up; including completing the New Hampshire 4000 footer list within one season, to help my husband recover from prostate cancer. He was with us eagerly on every trip.
He gave us momentum in the face of adversity. He literally led us up each and every one of life's mountains, and pulled us out from the deepest chasms. Our rescue dog we adopted from an animal shelter became our rescuer. He made sure we were both moving and active everyday. The morning after I had breast cancer surgery he got me out of the house and down the street for a walk, he didn't care I wore wads of bandaging that made me look like lopsided freak. He was my beautiful boy.
All he wanted in return was to be by my side, an occasional treat, a warm place to sleep and food. He was especially fond of walks in the woods, swimming, sticks and balls. He gave constant, unconditional love. His short life of 10 years gave me immense joy and companionship.
I was lucky to be his "human". He taught me to understand what is and what is not important in life.
I miss you Sammy.
August 1999 - September 2009
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