Simple machines always impress me. I had to move a big rock today...it was in the middle of my trench. With the use of a 2 x 4 (a lever) and using an incline of soil, I was able to move this rock out of the way...not bad for a little 50 something year old woman that wants solar power. I think my mom would be impressed.
Things are starting to gel. The solar panels are now permanantly affixed to the frame and it's set at a fixed 42 degree angle due south. That is the same degree as our latitude here in NH. As you can see, I have
scaled the system in half. The plan for four panels were pared down to two. After being tremendously scared I decided I'd feel a lot more comfortable learning on a smaller array. Although the amps flowing out of the battery bank will still be considerable, and potentially lethal, I will take numerous precautions. Tomorrow I'll continue digging the trench and I have another big rock I'll have to move out of the way and I'll place the Combiner Box on the solar panel frame. The project is moving forward.

Also, today, the DC Electrical Box was "located" in the basment west side of the house. It's close to where the PV (Photovolatic) positive and negative wires, plus ground will enter our house through a Schedule 40 PVC pipe that will be buried 18" in the ground. I ordered the box from Alt-E. Not knowing what a DC box would look like I honestly thought it was overkill when I opened it up...now I realize it will not be empty. It will be filled with all the essential wires, connections, circuit breakers, disconnects, and ground fault protection. I'll be using a diagram that will help me wire up the route the PV positive and PV negative and ground wires will take through the system. Safety is my primary concern. I'll be using cardboard to cover the solar panels up and I'll only try out the system for the first time under a very heavy cloud covered day and using a digital volt meter I'll check for juice in the system. I DO have my permits from the building inspector. I have a mechanical and an electrical permit. He'll be inspecting my ditch and wire to the house that will be placed in conduit. I'm hoping to have things ready for him to inspect by next week.
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