Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Things are a' happen' here today!!!!

Things are a' happen' here today!!!!!!

The Caterpillar 4200 backhoe arrived at 6:20 am complete with operator.

Freedom Renewable definitely picked the right company for the job, he blew through digging three trenches that will fork into one.  Massive holes for footings that will support  the 14 panel grid tie array,  another hole for the stand alone 4 off grid array, and four holes for the Air -X  wind turbine guys and center for the tilt over tower. All of this directed efficiently by Rich, like a maestro directing a symphony he got it all done in a matter of a few hours!!!!  Since the backhoe op was done early Rich put him to work pulling some stumps where we had taken down trees...how cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!  An unexpected bonus!!!!!  Rich said, "might as well put him to work"!!!!

Rich is overseeing the entire project.  He told me to relax, and "everything is good"...it's totally Rich, he says it a lot, and, he MEANS it and he smiles when he says it.   Everything IS good with Rich.  These folks have things under control, every base covered. Everything IS good!!!!

Even my "add on's" the stuff they said they'd "help me with" is primo quality work.   The "off grid" panels I had on the "housewife 2 x 4 frame" will now sit on a substantial footing.  Check out the photo that give depth perspective with a 5' snow shovel.  First class..it's going to be a 6' deep concrete pad, MUCH MUCH better set up than I ever dreamed for my "add on"..this will last a lifetime as Rich put it!!!!  Rich is in constant motion.   I'll be working with Rich tomorrow on the Air-X,  I can't wait this is incredibly exciting.  I want hands on experience with the "add on's" and appreciate Rich's expertise, since I want to be able to do maintenance on the Air-X and I seem to always be adding to the "off grid" in some manner.   Turbines, unlike solar panels seem to need occasional maintenance.  I don't expect very much out of the Air-X...I'm only hoping for a trickle charge when we have a power outage and the sun isn't shining but typically we seem to have some wind when we lose power, especially in the winter and during hurricane season.

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